Covid, and the Viciousness of Contemporary Politics in the Run-Up to Utopia
Why does our best life come unfailingly from inside-out in exchange merely for honoring ourselves and one another for the gift of life, and all that this entails. If life is so perfectly packaged and self-explanatory so that everyone benefits the most in their life by following this path, a path that every detail of our co-existence is scientifically proven to circle back to—then we stand on the precipice of something more wonderful than human eyes have ever seen. If true, how can there be a more fitting, rational and scientific proof of God’s existence, and the love for us all?
by David Walls-Kaufman

Edmund O. Wilson, John Haidt, Jeremy Benthem, William Whewell, Galileo, Copernicus, Francis Bacon and too many others to list shared some version of the idea that an underlying innate compass of meaning and morality existed to the point some of them even threw concepts at it to see what stuck. Many believed that science was the language with which man would finally write out the exact prescription of God, or life, or how we should live, or what we should live for. Wilson has written at length about his certainty that the “consilience” of all that is known in the sciences and humanities could find a single concept to define how we behave and what is the meaning of life. Even Einstein hoped to locate a formula beyond E=MC2 that explained everything. The parallel tracks of science for the last one hundred plus years make it understandable that perhaps all of these great minds have overshot the mark and missed the simple center around which human life frames itself, including the mutually destructive Left-Right war that defines our age. Quite possibly, if the search for the meaning of life was an Easter egg hunt, the great minds would look back at the orb in the grass behind them and agree that of course this was the egg we sought. Perhaps they would agree because the rugged internal template for reason that we all share for the very purpose of making this discovery would say so: The single most potent driver in human existence is the overarching fact that health and thriving are the only perfect things we know. They are, essentially, the manifestation of God and humanity on earth, and science and reason exist only to prove it, & all the good things in life that come along with it.
It is daily shown to us that health and thriving are the only perfect things we are provably capable of achieving, or at least of emulating. We put certain simple things like food, water and air into the black box of the human body, mind and spirit and perfection comes out, at least for a time. For that brief time, they remain the only functional perfection we really see. We have already learned that, if we live right, then that perfection lasts longer. Our only dilemma is how to extend it across our entire life, and over the complete sphere of our existence, even politics and government, relationships. Health and thriving alone solve all problems for any living thing. Our perpetual quest for something “better” is merely the pursuit of the subconscious ideal they make plain. Our entire subconscious model of enlightenment is what they are. They are what make us a rational being; our reason only exists to find them, and all facts in the universe pertinent to us orient only to them. In fact, our subconscious dream for all humankind is to make one Family of Man like our body, a huge society of cells united in a single purpose of thriving, to make the overall constantly better, in which each individual cell remains sovereign while at the same time being enlightened in the value of serving themselves by serving the whole, and vice versa. This “unified whole” is captured only in the concept of thriving.
Enlightenment maximizes the power of the collective to repel like oil and water the influences of entropy and chaos that life always seeks to avoid, resist and cure, like Yin and Yang. This means that Health in its entirety also confers or necessitates an ideal compass of morals, values or behaviors embedded in the same objective reality of Health, because it is obvious that not all paths lead to Health; in fact, most don’t—like all of the gazillion bad health choices possible for us to make. Ironically, regrettably, a pattern exists in history where the powerful, the elite, our very own leaders, tempt us with disinformation about all of this in order to make us less dependent on ourselves, and so that we may even see enemies where none truly exist, so that we are dependent on the elite, or we buy from them things and ideas that we don’t really need. This unfortunate relationship with any elite exists so long as any elite suffer the delusion that they are so much better than the rest of us that they are separate from this larger, single body of The Family of Man. In seeking to make others dependent upon them the elite fight enlightenment where no one is dependent on anyone else. Only four choices for the black box mimic the perfection in thriving and make perfection come out of our body for the longest period to make that ideal self-reliance possible. Politics and government throw their hat into this ring, as does everything else that is important to us.
It could even be argued that Health is the manifestation of God’s perfection on earth that alone can be measured by science in every uncorrupted study ever performed. We might even have access to a credible shorthand of immediately analyzing the worth of any scientific study by reading the conclusion and seeing if it concluded that a person was indeed a sovereign individual in control of their own destiny, or not. It would seem that the only credible excuse for a person not controlling their own destiny would be un-enlightened interference from people who hoped to make a profit off that person’s ignorance and fear. This begs the question—why would anyone interfere with another person’s finding an enlightened life? Would this help define Good and Evil? So, what are thriving and enlightenment? Can this analysis help de-fang the Left-Right divide? But then, do un-enlightened people want to keep the world un-enlightened for their own profit and gain? If so—why would anyone do such a thing? Can’t you still make a profit and let the world thrive at the same time? At least, a more scientific work-up of better holistic social welfare programs and tax schedules might strip away some of the ugly sociopathic flavor ever-present in the current putsch. This will be done by science in the future—because Health and thriving appear to have one way of working, since God, Nature, Life or Existence seems to have made only one perfect operating system. We see this pattern emerging in our scientific knowledge around diet, for example. There is only one perfect diet for all no matter their race, religion, disease, politics or any other circumstances about them: the higher the ratio of vegetables, fruits and antioxidants put into our black box the more we thrive. There is no more scientific debate over this topic. It is even used for serious cancer cases at NIH. The “science” has become “settled.” The fact owns a certain gravitas, common sense and inevitability that unfolds as obvious to us now that “It’s all over but the shouting,” and the data confirms it [k]. The entire constellation of human physiological responses and biochemistry tied into our body, mind, spirit affirm this elegantly reductionist evidence. We know now that anyone who tells us differently about the amazingly simple requirements of our diet and health is trying to complicate the picture probably in order to sell us something less perfect than the way something made us. This revelation on perfect diet is an integral part of the philosophical discussion that lies at the heart of the sovereign individual of Western civilization. It also bears equally on the meaning of a Marxist enlightened society.
Good diet makes life that much more linear and predictable because Health is improved. It is proposed in this booklet that there are four other things that reflect the singular perfection in thriving that are equally essential to round out the sovereign individual and the enlightened society. Modern medicine says, which is really just what drug companies want us to hear, is that the only way to make life and health more predictable is to eat right, exercise and mind our weight. But precise weight management comes out of the black box just by eating right, and maybe a touch of exercise, without us even having to think about it. And exercise is critical because movement is essential for all living things. Will research and logic find another equally simple answer in the field of exercise? In fact, science and anecdotal evidence have both confirmed there is one perfect exercise that stimulates the black box just as in the case of diet. The same unusually positive, open-ended results come from the inclusion of meditation into exercise as in the case of seated meditation, Yoga, I Chuan, Hsing I Chuan, Ba Gua Chuan and Tai Chi Chuan. You can do any of these practices all day long, every day and they are only better for you. Research has shown that serious students of T’ai Chi have “beautiful brains.”[k] Alzheimer’s and dementia are all but unheard of in these populations, and their aging profile is unlike any other [k]. The West has no corresponding exercise, and the only thing that approaches meditation is prayer. Indeed, meditation and prayer can be quite similar, both can be essentially clearing the mind, opening to everything at once and placing one’s cheek next to God’s. It really could not be simpler. The benefits of all of these forms of exercise are arranged in ascending order of their health benefits, with the least beneficial being seated meditation, while the starring role goes to Tai Chi according to many sources, including The Harvard Medical School Book of Tai Chi, seemingly because the most physical demand is being placed on the body-mind while not breaking the meditation thread. With the addition of the ideal exercise to the right diet, life becomes that much more linear and predictable.
But what about the question of the philosophers: does the human black box require an innate universal template for human behavior and psychology just like there is for biochemistry and movement? Do we each carry around a quantum template for how we need to be treated by friends, spouses, law, business, government and the elite for which our physiological responses in body, mind, spirit stand in pure harmony as for the right movement stimulation on the brain? And if this grid or template of what was Good and Bad for us behaviorally existed, then would it be fair to simply label these as Stress and Benefit—where the Bad for us would be stresses, and the Good would be benefits, around which our entire picture of life and thriving orbit? After all, stress was identified by Hans Selye in 1935 as the cause of disease in his Nobel Prize winning work. And no one today yet really talks about benefits as the antidote to stress for some reason, but vegetables, fruits and antioxidants obviously top the list in the category of biochemistry, and meditative movement tops the list in the category of exercise and the brain. All we are saying is that behavior and psychology also fall into the category of Stress and Benefit, and that human neural- physiological responses, however bewilderingly complex, settle down around the patterns of health and thriving, as does all else, at least to any extent that we should concern ourselves. This is an excellent grid by which to deduce the specifics of human ethics, if history, politics and conflict don’t already tell us enough, including especially the Left-Right divide.
Looking at the world mechanically like an MD or the drug companies, or anyone else in our culture due to centuries of influence from engineering and industrial chemistry, gives mechanistic answers on who we are that are not very in-depth. But looking at the human dilemma through the vitalist lens peculiar to health always seems to give a more holistic and optimistic answer. The vitalist answer to why contradictions to reason, peace and health exist in our world is, again, simple: our reason, peace and health are attacked by selfishness, sociopathology and tribalism where certain individuals and tribes get carried away with their own ego and desires that they see themselves out of proportion with the rest of us. But vitalism also tells us that God, Nature, Life of Existence—whatever we want to believe put us here—always implants into living systems antagonists in a mosaic of dynamic tension. Vitalism is a whole look at human existence that also tells us that everything is part of a grander lesson on health, enlightenment and morality. This antagonistic dynamism is intended to disturb creatures from their rest, and move them toward the realization that only health fulfills the needs of all parties so that they live in a symbiosis of thriving. Only health provides such complete answers that all sides have no rational reason to complain or ask for anything more. And when any living collective falls out of health it is only the result of Stress in the absence of antidotes, like proper diet and exercise, or the morals required for social symbiosis. The more balance fails so that there is too much Stress in the absence of Benefits, then health fails in the system and those same in-built antagonists, like germs, “wake up” to begin deconstructing that living thing for the recycling into constituent parts that we call death. For example, germs and viruses are essential to life on all levels. The more we are healthy, the more they are good for us like exercise, and they help us keep healthy. But the more we stress ourselves by not living the way we should, the more our health fails, the more we are “dead” and our body and immune system are teaching us a basic lesson about life: “You are not sufficiently alive—you must do more Good things for you that will go in the black box and make you more alive!” Together, Stress and Benefit play ping-pong to outline our greater design. Pain, disease, dysfunction, crime, economic depression, mental illness, social upheaval, fear, poverty, national debt, personal debt, the Left-Right war, all exist as canaries in the coal mine to warn us that we are not healthy in the larger sense of what Health is. We are not living the way we should, we have missed what our Benefits are that would solve all of these problems, because no living system or creature is born adult. They are born framed around the perfection of Health, but they must learn by trial and error, instinct and education what Health is. Our quest is to find the Benefits of Life, the things that really make a difference, from which we can then pick and choose how much of each we want, even as the requirements for thriving are innate, and will not be patient with our personal opinion or our experimentation. The more we lack the Benefits, the more all of the entropy and chaos in the world enter in to stress us and give us an object lesson in real time on how we do not yet appreciate who and what we are, and what we mean to each other. Health and thriving in their greater meaning are the only things that repel all the bad stuff. The line between Stress and Benefit, life and disease, never deviates because it has been hard enough to find without it moving all over the place. It appears that God, Nature, Life or Existence are impatient for us to learn the wonder of one another as much as they do, for in this lies the solution to so many problems.
In dose-dependent fashion, just as is the case in any patient’s or customer’s life—the more we miss the ingredients of thriving the more we are made dissatisfied and intent on making improvements. If the stresses are sufficient, then we have a miserable painful life and die early, and the permanent cycle of life grants the next generation who witnessed the misery of that poor soul or society the chance to see the horrors brought on by ignorance of the right way to be. Whether the next generation uses common sense, gut instinct, or strict scientific methodology, the facts and results always orient to the same findings. The next generation will either deduce from the negative space the perfection in the gift of thriving, or miss it and suffer the dark side of life in exact proportion to how much they missed filling their lives with Benefits—and likewise be motivated by the pain and suffering to find the place where life becomes more linear and predictable. For this reason, Health and thriving are the eternal baseline for human reason and logical constructs. All evidence, facts and logical constructs orient directly toward what we care most about—how we live best. How we help others live better for the holistic reciprocity of strength in numbers, more friends inside and fewer enemies outside, and greater chances to mutually inspire the great jazz riff of human genius.
Acute selfishness, sociopathology, and our tribalism exist as catalysts, agitants, accelerants to force us toward rather obvious, common sense conclusions that all of biological, behavioral and even engineering sciences will find the evidence to corroborate either directly or indirectly. There is no deviation from the single operating system. Indeed, if we indulge ourselves to anthropomorphize the cosmos, it is conceivable that human beings live so contentedly in a state of sustaining that without these ugly catalysts like awful political conflict and even genocide (if we need that much of a push), we could conceivably “sustain” ourselves forever in a mediocre middle ground of sustaining and never move towards thriving. This is, after all, how we have lived for five thousand years. The journey began with Judaism at Sinai, then with Christianity, and the Greek Miracle, which then grew into Western civilization. The closest we have ever come to perfection is the American Miracle, at least in pursuit of human genius. But we were not spot on. There was slavery—one of the last great examples of tribalism, while Marxism is another. Is disease cured? Is poverty cured? Why is Marxism growing to ruin our advances in pursuit of prosperity and genius? Why does Marxism seek to destroy prosperity and genius today in order to defer to prosperity and genius tomorrow? Even with tribalism—genius and prosperity still equal genius and prosperity. We are better with them than without them, just as the patient is never better off without health and enlightenment than with. No patient is made better by cutting off their arm. Health and thriving are the only zero sum game. We are never better off by contradicting them—except in the temporary case of hormetic effect, where all toxins, poisons and stresses give us a strong initial surge in our wellbeing. As if whatever made us did not want us to believe that we were fragile and should be afraid of our own shadow. All symptoms and warning signs are meant to right the ship, or else. The ship will either right itself, or the perfect operating system of Life begins anew, completely without sentiment, oriented only towards perfection, investing complete moral lessons in every iota of what is.
This booklet proposes that, since Selye has proven that stress is the cause of disease, we should expand on this to say that Stress is also the cause of all human problems, and that the four Benefits go into the black box to make life linear and predictable. Again, our five thousand year lack of clarity on thriving and Benefit has made human existence a condition of sustaining rather than thriving. Only today is the historical data and the scientific sophistication at hand to put both things together to identify bona fide Benefits that are so strong they unequivocally rise above the noise of sustaining. The research seems to point out only four of these magical ingredients that are completely safe and thoroughly holistically intwined so that they heal collateral problems rather than cause side effects, like most of our drugs, vaccines and surgery do. These four Benefits line up with common sense, instinct and scientific evidence to show that they alone in all the world defy the old axiom “All things in moderation.” Odds are, they, like perfect exercise and diet, will wind up at the same location as will the West’s sovereign individual and the Marxist enlightened society—since there is only one operating system and, in the end, all sane people want the same thing whether they realize it or not. We have lacked this perspective before because never in history have we had the information to sufficiently fill out a vitalist perspective, which is not the Eastern perspective either. The vitalist perspective is something entirely new that only comes into focus when we are informed by modern biological research findings and clinical data on health outcomes involving the brain.
The four categories of Benefit beyond exercise and diet are the satisfaction of our innate ethics, and the precise care for the structure of the body as if it was a musical instrument, which opens us up to the next chapter in human healing, brain-first healthcare and brain-first social welfare. What we are saying essentially is that healthcraft equals statecraft. We are rational creatures because all facts and evidence are designed to show us the door to thriving that is reciprocal across the whole of any society, just as it is across every cell in our own body. We can find these links with instinct and common sense—for science often lags (or is intentionally held back) behind them—but the skeptical can always take solace from the way the data will never steer us away from thriving. These perfect logical constructs are what make sense of our lives, and give us the opportunity for lasting, fruitful peace, if we choose it, no matter if the quantum world is a world strapped into roller skates. At some point, there is an inflection point where the quantum world consolidates into the Newtonian world that orients life only around health and thriving, and any other consideration is purely academic. The ethics component outlines the social system on which all human society and interaction is based, at least inside what Tajfel calls the “in-group.”[k] But if we want to end tribalism to grow the largest Family of Man possible—then we, people of any tribe, and the elite, must extend these guarantees to everyone, as if they were cells in the same body, and make these holistic or quantum ethics the only contract we live by. In such a holistic society, different organs and systems perform like corporations or local governments organized to perform specific sophisticated functions at a much more efficient level than diffuse cells or unorganized people. If we want all the answers on helping the poor the most, without side-effects, if we want to trust government, if we want the most “responsible” corporations—we must “love” each other in the exact way science and reason can analyze our holistic morals. The more these “healthy” logical constructs show up in politics, law, leadership, business or romance—the more our inner yearning for thriving responds positively, and the more the physiology of each person answers in kind, and the more the psychology of the body politic responds in a way that looks like nothing else. Imposing the opposite of what is in this quantum moral grid creates psychological stresses that, we know, will kill us just as dead as any physical stress, as proven by Selye’s mice. The closer we get to thriving the more we want to keep it. Living systems are inevitably cyclical and dynamic, but the “holistic” life settles stress and uncertainty to the lowest levels possible, where the least force and coercion are necessary for human beings to live in harmony with one another, because no one has any “rational” right to complain, because the natural meritocracy is that of raising human quality of life, and every person knows they are honestly rewarded for how much, or how little, they contribute to this end. They may object because they are trying to get something for nothing, i.e. gain a reward without raising the quality of life of their brother and sister—but they know in their heart and mind they really have no one to blame but themselves, as is exactly the case with all the rest of their health.
Our list here of the 11 innate ethics may not be complete. Others may find another one or two that fit just as well. The list is offered here and briefly explained why some constructs miss the cut, like Love. Any good doctor knows, the best place to begin bringing the patient back (or society) from the brink of illness is to educate them on the unfailing needs inside the black box of health. It is completely self-defeating to fight them. But being the stubborn creature we are we still often do. We will do so less as the evidence deepens saying that this is self-defeating. What makes for rich exploration in ethics is doping out why Marxism cannot build a lasting empire on a tax-heavy welfare state, and why Marxism cannot force down our throats their militant take on what enlightenment is. Their failure means that what they are imposing is stressful to human beings. This means there must be a template on enlightenment superior to their’s already in place that will not give ground for one reason or another. But what could be “superior” to the Marxist intention to give people a better life? How could anything trump this good intention, unless something, for some reason, makes it so that the best things in life must be earned? Who is right, the Marxist trying to give stuff away for political loyalty, versus whatever the inborn, deeper “natural” system is? Both sides, Marxist and the inborn one, presumably are trying to make the world better. We know what the Marxist motive is—they are trying to “enlighten” the world and eradicate disease and poverty. Is the “motive” the same in the naturally occurring enlightenment? How does each side go about their task? The Marxist wages war on everything that is not itself, convinced that none of it has ever been right since the dawn of society, and only they are right and enlightened. They are so right that, if you oppose them, you self-identify as an enemy not only of them, but of all humankind, forever. As such, you are of a tribe that deserves no decency, Charity Principle, respect, benefit of the doubt, Jesus’s Golden Rule or Confucius’s Golden Mean. Marxism wraps Innocence and Guilt solely around an Old Testament loyalty to tribe. In the end, does a more universal, tribeless definition of Innocence and Guilt lie locked in our morals? Why are criminals guilty and why were Jews during the Holocaust innocent? What do we mean when we say they were “innocent”? And why is killing innocent people a bad idea anyway? Which is better, 10% tax, 0% tax, 90%, and why? What is wrong with the Utopian government owning everything and doling out resources on an as-needed basis? Why doesn’t this work?
It is proposed here that we must be missing something if our innate ethics wrap around Health and thriving with the same ultimately self-evident advantages that answer all questions for all sides, as long as those needs are rational, i.e. related to the health of the entire person. Isn’t this what makes one policy or behavior more Rational for us than not? This booklet proposes that the following 11 ethics are universal requirements for any human to let down their guard and accept reciprocal membership in any group or society. These 11 ethics signal a “healthy” environment where the person can possibly earn thriving, since health and thriving are clearly not something given, but something earned. Insiders always grant these morals to other insiders to avoid trouble. The more we violate these ethics with insiders the more we make trouble, because victims always assess their losses, and always know they are being hurt, by violations of this list. The morals are: Freedom, Balance, Form or Structure, Independence, Self-Responsibility, Reason/Objectivity/Logic, Work, Earning or Property Rights, Truth, Efficiency and Compassion, and a Meritocracy that incorporates all of these logical constructs at once. While Marxists may want to laugh at several of these morals such as property rights, truth, earning, self-responsibility and work, it should be noted that Marxists themselves (as victims) would use all of these morals in their own service while, for example, deciding on the guilt of a traitor in their midst, or while defending their own property, or rationalizing what they feel they earned by their enlightened guidance of the state. Marxists would fall back on all of these logical constructs to identify and make an example of a saboteur to ensure the housecleaning was done effectively to ensure the safety of the cause. Again, because this entire framework of constructs are used universally by all victims for damage and prevention assessment, they form the groundwork for an innate, populist meritocracy for any social bond, from rock bands, marriages, corporations, even to Marxist revolutions. John Haidt’s innate morals of Loyalty/Betrayal, Care/Harm, Authority/Subversion, and —— are no help because in-group/out-group status determines each couplet. Benthem’s pain and pleasure are not on the list because they are too vague. And pleasure is not a negative motivator that makes us get out of the way of something, as we said earlier when we said happiness is less a motivator than quality of life. In fact, pleasure, love, passion, for addicts, obsessed people and the insane can motivate them to do no end of harm to any number of innocent victims, even themselves. On the positive end people will do all kinds of things for all kinds of reasons. But on the negative side, these are the 11 categories where behaviors and psychology become stressful, and may grow so out of bounds that they can kill. And on the other end from any stress, lies a benefit as its antidote. This is the grid for a populist meritocracy, rather than an elitist meritocracy, where we accept that we are stronger and more creative in numbers, and that we are all indirect beneficiaries of genius no matter who invents something. More freedom and equality (and any combination of the other morals), and any commonality of purpose, always leads naturally to human beings organizing themselves in this grid of meritocracy, as long as they are in the same peer group or in-group. Our survival instincts use these values as a grid or a searchlight or a checklist looking for signs that anything is rotten, unhealthy or trending in a direction that might harm us. However, if we are addicted, obsessed or insane enough then we will have blinders on for the consequences of our actions, and if we are selfish, sociopathological or tribal enough, we will cheat others of protection under these morals. But the more we cheat others of these morals and social protections for irrational reasons, then the more we cheat ourselves. These morals define rational human action, along with two human instincts for life. For this reason, bad actors always have to work with lies, misinformation, emotion and propaganda in order to stress us, damage us, in mind, body, spirit, enough to make us cross the line into an irrational self-destructive pattern that evidence will show us. That fateful “switch” to an irrational model then proportionately limits both our ability to create the largest possible Family of Man, with more enemies outside than otherwise, and therefore we also leave out any number of possible fellow contributors to the great jazz riff of genius, as well as diminish the pool of resources for chasing genius. Looking at us from this perspective, any such departure from enlightenment progressively becomes an either-or situation for health or not, in its fullest definition. In light of all this, the invisible structural forces in our world that control our access to thriving have already created a world as if we are cells in the same body, sharing total organic reciprocity, we just don’t know it yet.
Some people might ask why Love, or Loyalty, aren’t on the list. The reason is that 80% of Hitler’s fan mail came from women who were crazy about him—partly because he was hurting innocent people. Parents often love their dreadful criminal sons. Or out of Love they deny or hide their son’s despicable crimes. Love can even be a part of the obsession or addiction that blinds a victim for a time, convincing them that they are not being harmed in the face of all facts and evidence. Love and loyalty do not in of themselves determine if something is Rational or not, only the morals and our life instincts do. In the sane, our love tends to go away the more the evidence strikes us that we are being wronged and our health (and the health of all) is suffering. Naturally, we ask “why would anyone do this to us?“ Oftentimes, our reason miscalculates the morality of a situation, or gives too much weight to one moral dilemma than another, so that we make the wrong decision. But our personal opinions, our willpower, our grit, only go so far in their confrontation with Health, as in the case of us being stubborn about thinking the Big Mac Diet or a diet of pebbles and motor oil will be good for us. In the end, opinions don’t matter. Everything is objectively calculable in an overarching summation of our physiological responses to our environment. That shows the most rational decision. So, Love, Pleasure, Loyalty and Wisdom aren’t on the list. No one is exhibiting rational love, pleasure, loyalty, wisdom or goodness when they violate these morals of thriving. Any such bliss response emotions, like the adoration of Hitler, Stalin, Mao or Che Guevara, are only rational when they align in congruence with what is healthy. All of these men murdered people who fit the universal, holistic description of Innocent.
Using Occam’s Razor, it appears we have only two life instincts, 1) to live, and to keep alive all people nearest and dearest to us in descending order from ourselves (our tribe), and 2) to get more for less. These two drives are not morals, they are the fuel for the moral engine; they are the motive of the person sitting at the control panel of the moral radar geared toward the holistic environment. Our morals show us the most self-evident, holistic way to live and actualize these two drives. Enlightenment and the most holistic environment are one in the same thing: They grasp the total “health” of everyone, that then plays into a larger field of geniuses, a larger pool of resources to chase the impossible whimsy and cover the potential dead ends of genius, that directly and indirectly benefits us all, except when our own “genius” invention or investment proves obsolete. Out of self-interest, driven by the two instincts, we don’t want to suffer the loss of our invention or investment, but at some point we must decide how much energy we are going to put into sabotaging the better answers others have come up with, as the elite do. This command of the self to stay out of the way of the progress of all others is virtue. There are only two paths that the opposite of virtue, depravity, can block: either the vitalist path to Health, or the mechanist path to genius raising standard of living. Historically, the depraved elite have shown they will do both. Where they have done it the least is in Western civilization, and much of the world has taken note of the worth of this self-control. At least until the arrival of Marxism with its completely out of bounds self-conceit that sees no virtue in anything but itself and its blind return to elitist meritocracy.
While not all morals apply to every situation, at least Balance and Form will apply to every situation. Strictly speaking, there are only two ethics, Balance and Form, and all the rest are sub-categories of human Form, or Life, or Health. Our innate Meritocracy is therefore never completely fulfilled until this optimum equilibrium for human life is met. Until that threshold is met, then anyone has a rational argument for asking for improvement. But once that threshold is met, all facts and evidence align with logical constructs that inform us that “we have arrived,” and all that can be done is being done in our widest interest, the widest interest of all of us, which we are uniquely willing to make personal sacrifices with for our own sake.
Each of the morals is a logical construct that is invested in the quantum structural forces that make life and existence what they are, and anything what it is. The violation of any ethic, like Balance, can be a deal breaker that makes us move on to greener (healthier) pastures in a personal, business or political relationship. If the judge gives the victim of a $100 robbery $3 in compensation the victim doesn’t like it. He has less problem with $90, but really if he thinks about it, or is properly informed of what is Right, he sees the logic of getting back all $100 and compensation for the time he did not have his $100. His logical construct on Form informs him of all the other variables in the equation—money, time, robbery, him, the thief, the court, the judge, social bonds, social interaction, etc. Fidelity in a marriage or relationship can boil down to just Balance and Form. How the married couple perceive infidelity depends if the Form of their marriage or relationship includes fidelity or not. Being treated fairly at the office involves the added dimension that the boss is not in the same in-group as the employees, and has more latitude therefore in pushing the envelope of the morals. As was stated earlier, moral dynamics become most complicated in situations where Marxists force goodness on society in welfare and the effort does not “take.” The clash comes in the finer points of Health, such as Independence, Self-Responsibility, Reason, Earning, Work, all of which are being violated even though the Marxist is attempting to show Compassion. The Compassion component does not work, and is irrational, because the Marxist is ignoring all of the deeper parameters of thriving that demand individual’s earn their own, that it will never come from outside-in like an injection. Take for example the encounter between the welfare queen and the working mother in the grocery aisle. How does Liberty or equality account for the justifiable reaction of the working mom when the welfare queen is buying more expensive groceries than she can afford? The welfare queen is not “free” to do anything she likes with her welfare money—the more she does unhealthy things with it, the more this will strike the working mom as an irrational, wasteful (inefficient) use of hard-earned funds. The welfare queen’s problem is that the working mom’s rational life is being infringed by the cost to her of the other’s welfare, and the injury to society in body, mind, spirit by the welfare mother not being a whole person, living a whole life by making her contribution to the quality of life of society. All of this non-holistic kickback erodes social bonds. The reaction of anyone looking in on this predicament will be influenced by the tribalism of whether or not they are Democrat or Republican. Tribal influence being what it may, welfare that is not holistic is irrational and unhealthy, and addictive. Only the irrationality of tribalism (and tribalism does not have to be irrational), stands in the way of admitting this truth. “Help” for people must actually conform to holistic demands.
Another complicating factor in all tribalism is that the members of all tribes assume their tribe is trying to do the best for humankind. This optimistic faith in one’s own stems from our enlightened self-interest in growing the largest tribe possible. Once this “acceptance” of the superior humanism in one’s own tribe occurs, the individual can become quite lazy in closing off any more evaluation on a matter they have already “settled” in their own mind. It is easier for us not to have to change. Hence, members of tribes can become notably stubborn in refusing to read information from opposing tribes, and being open-minded about additional evidence that might inform them that their own tribe’s assumptions about the inferiority of others are mistaken. We see this when Democrats assume quite enthusiastically that Republicans are inferior, and deserving of “enlightened” bigotry, in the very name of fighting bigotry. Any tribe is vulnerable to this assumption of goodness, we are only picking on Leftism because it is the most militant in its assumptions of supremacy. The only parameters that actually tell us what is “inferior” or “inferior” in terms of societies or morals, laws or anything else is however well the subject at hand conforms to the measures of health and thriving, and how much that individual, society or anything else has contributed in inventions and efforts that holistically raise quality of life. No individual or society is the “same” in this measure. Many individuals and societies have contributed very little in the modern era to our advancement. But this is the fair gauge of the populist meritocracy. What other meritocracy should we use? There is only one other—the elitist meritocracy. Any anger about our acceptance of the populist meritocracy, or our truthful and honest look at how not everyone has contributed equally ignores two basic facts: 1) the only real crime is not that one isn’t a genius, it is that one should not be a criminal who actively undermines others raising their quality of life. And 2) the anger ignores that human beings and their creativity are plastic, they can respond to honest criticism about them not carrying their weight, and they can, and want to, improve. If they are an individual or group that does not want to improve to help elevate quality of life, then the irrationality of this choice needs to be made plain to them. We are also making assessments on comparable contributions to human advancement now, without looking back at previous civilizations such as Mayans, the Han Dynasty etc., only in order to make a more cogent point, and without knowing what the dynamics of the future hold in terms of who does what. All is in flux around the only real constant—that Life orients around thriving. This begs the question of why is it ever wrong to be closed minded, or to be a bigot? The only thing wrong with being closed-minded or a bigot is that you never know when you’re going to cheat yourself of something wonderful. TM
Compassion, help and welfare are noble, but they must be done in accordance with what makes us and society whole. As such, any welfare must include a Work component so that it does not become addictive and remains constructive. This is common sense. What part of our body are we better off having as dead weight that does not work toward thriving, or, with respect to society, that does not at least try to come up with some genius idea that would change the world? The only people who would object to it are Marxist tribalists who by these actions and statements indicate that they do not really care about the people they claim to want to help as much as they do grabbing naked power to re-install a One Percent. An essential part of holism is the populist meritocracy based on rewards and punishments being distributed on how much each of us raises quality of life, as society itself freely decides. Everyone must Work and be involved in contributing to this end, just as everyone does in a Marxist country, even the most poor. There is honor in all work. Any society that does not have a populist meritocracy by default slips into the only alternative, which is the elitist meritocracy focused not on the quality of life of us all, but of the few. There is no way any of us in the 99% will see this as fair. And so, once again, the elite must hide the Truth about who they are and what they are doing behind emotions and propaganda. Again, this is always to the detriment to us all, because the few can never keep a step ahead of genius to give it the headway it requires. This inherent unfairness erodes social bonds. And the more the people are educated in the nature of Health and thriving and the natural role of genius, the less they will stand for that injustice because there is not one Good reason to go along with it because of the nature of genius, and the interconnected nature of all living things. And it is the fate of rational people that they will always wake up to realize that there is nothing wrong with making these holistic demands of anyone in leadership. It is the only optimal way the operating system works. Again, this booklet is not intended to go into depth on health or each ethic, but merely to introduce the general ideas that can be expanded upon in another work.
Moral interconnection can be a hard thing for us to believe in and see, especially for sociopathic types who care so little about the world anyway. It is only too easy for them to pretend interconnection does not exist (and maybe they are right?) so that there is no bad karma for me if I steal someone’s car and gain a tangible reward, and “bad karma” does not touch me before I time out and die. Or maybe karma gets me in the next life? But there is clearly ethical connection if stealing becomes so rampant that society breaks off into little pieces of families and friends living behind high barbwire to keep their stuff from being stolen and themselves hurt, with the consequent loss of trust so that any commercial action slows down, leading to the loss of speed finding genius. But what if the dose of stealing is somewhere in the middle, in sustaining, not extreme enough to result in social degradation into gated, post-apocalyptic communities? We have no proof yet that we live in a psychic soup of what quantum physicists call “protoconsciousness” where even “dead” things are enough “alive” that they too respond with a certain degree of living consciousness. This theory is now being tested and physicists say, if true, it would answer many questions about how our quirky universe behaves. Might this mean that all things are merely pencil sketches in 3D within the same block of cosmic protoplasm? If that is the case, would each stress and benefit work in dose-dependent fashion in correspondence with Benthem’s concept of proximity to the poison or gunshot wound? In either case, poison in the pond, or gunshot wound in the body, eventually all living things in the system, all cells in the body, are brought down in their quality of life commensurate with the interplay of stress and benefit, and their only cure is the lessening of stress and the addition of benefit. The validity of the idea of interconnectedness is undeniable when the given system, like an engine, or a crank, is made of metal. The crank turns and Balance + Form (Metal) = Result. The result is immediate and precise because of the Form of metals. The limitations of matter are also immediately seen. But what if the Form of the material in the system is ligament and cartilage in the knee? The limitations of matter can be hidden for a long time because of the elastic lag time in the softer materials. But if Balance is a structural force of the universe that exactly mediates results in every case—is there any doubt that knee limitations of matter exist and that the interplay between stress and benefit is mediating precisely whether the patient is getting healthier or not? Our answer depends solely on if we believe, or can prove, that Balance is indeed exact. The answer is that of course Balance is exact because the universe cannot function any other way. Lastly, what if the system is made of the softest, least measurable “substance” of all—consciousness? If our world and society are large ponds of consciousness, are we then polluting our environment with the stress, the toxin, of violating our innate ethics as we march along together through history? After all, in our own body, because of Balance, we can assume that everything we do to stress and benefit our health throughout our lifetimes is never forgotten or dismissed. Every Twinkie and every chiropractic adjustment goes on the ledger of Bad or Good to move the needle Left or Right in spite of any lag time or moment to moment indecision. If all of this is true, is there a hormetic buffer for violating our ethics as well, where the stress of violation is beneficial at first, before it crashes through the hormetic barrier and then becomes straight on toxic at higher dose? The self-serving of the selfish, the addict, the obsessed, the tribalist, the insane and the sociopath is at least worth considering from this perspective. Of course the insane and the sociopath will not care what the answer is. And therefore the goal of sane people everywhere should be to block sociopaths from taking office. However, it is a strange coincidence that, even if protoconsciousness proves in the end not to be real—isn’t it odd that all of us are exactly holistically better off if we pretend that interconnection is true? If it is not true, isn’t it curious that we are exactly better off the more we live our lives as if it is true?
We already know from war records that soldiers can show a great deal of guilt based on the innate ethics even during the heat of battle. Wartime ethics, when one tribe fights another tribe, rationalizes even broader departures from our ethics. But do sociopaths suffer the same degree of moral guilt for violating enlightenment as the rest of us? It is well known how stress profoundly damages the brain. It is even already known that chronic anger from any cause (like politics) creates the same worm hole damage in the brain cortex as crack cocaine. Anger is a by-product of stress, and increases the more our brain is damaged in any way, certainly from the emotions that are ginned up by political propaganda, and this is in fact the universal goal of propaganda: to make us lose sight of our enlightened self-interest in the end of all tribalism for the greater pursuit of genius and thriving for all. Once again, the depraved, sociopathic elite are the only actors who’s endgame would be threatened by all the rest of us coming together, naturally relying upon each other in a holistic relationship of free will and enlightenment, rather than us artificially relying upon them and the cosmetics and false beliefs about the world they want us to buy. All of this is to brain damage us so that we are deluded to continue tribalism and stay at each other’s throat while they sneak up the ladder to power to become another iteration of the One Percent in the Era of Surveillance. While the internet gives us the advantage of sharing information around the globe in an instant, the other edge of the sword is that, if the people who control the internet are sociopathically conceited enough—they also have the option of wiping out all information substantiating our realization of the endgame in the sovereign individual and enlightened society, as they did with Covid. All information antagonistic to the Big Pharma business model was repeatedly savaged and sunk out of sight as if the people in control cared nothing about our lives and wellbeing. None of their “care” for us was based on the holistic model of citizen and society, but instead was motivated only by the artificial model of citizen and society under a conceited elite who are so superior to the rest of us that they need never worry about genius coming up with a better idea than what they have.
Western civilization trusts in the individual and is grounded solidly in the individual because it sees individuals inevitably seeking these qualities, and being the best watchdogs to guard these interests and find them. As Abraham Lincoln said, “Give people the right information and they will make the right decision every time.” The West sees improvement toward all of these things such as in the strong improvement on poverty all over the world, as Pew and others have reported. Marxism on the other hand, does not believe that this perfect operating system in Life is already here, although Marxism itself is the brainchild of our quest for something better, when they grew impatient with our rate of progress. The rare conceit of Marxism gives the school no faith either that individuals are finding enlightenment out of their own holistic self-interest, or that their greed and tribalism will ever let them find it. Marxists believe the world is a morass of horrors and only they know what enlightenment is, and that they must force us to go to it as Marx and Engels envisioned to purge us and to use trauma to reset the flawed system. But there is no more perfect system beyond Life, and this is why all Marxist/Socialist authors have never articulated what exactly lies beyond their revolution, and this is why Marxist nations like China and Russia settled back into Capitalism, or commerce and enterprise, that is an extension of our innate morals. Both nations found this out, China in 1976, and Russia in 1991, when they began easing taxes and regulations for more freedom and equality in the pursuit of better living standards for their people largely because the Marxist leaders of those nations quit hating their own people, history and culture so much. Or at least enough to let their people pursue enough prosperity that they would hate their own government less and permit the elitist meritocracy to stay in place with less overhead.
The impatience of Marxism to see the progress of humankind quickened is completely understandable. This book itself seeks the same end. But Karl Marx and Engels flat out lied that there was no improvement in the human condition. They also missed the target when they said the villain in the human story was the Haves and the victims were the Have Nots. It is much more accurate to point out that sociopaths, selfishness, addiction, obsession and tribalism hold us back, and that these pathologies are by far most destructive when they become the raison d’être for the One Percent. This is our perennial enemy, under whatever flag they fly. The more they stand on the neck of our progress by picking winners and losers among their own, the more we are in trouble, the more we are stuck in a cycle of sustaining rather than moving toward a scientifically provable promise land. It becomes even crazier for us to give Marxist-Fascist-corporatism, or any other elitism, carte blanche just at the dawn of the Era of Surveillance. How do you find enlightenment at the end of their rainbow? Meanwhile, Western civilization (and Health) is the only champion of the Haves Nots against the Haves. Before Sinai, the ancient world had no concept of history or progress. Mankind lived in a non-veering limbo of caste systems at the mercy of their divine royals and the childish whimsy of gods. Sinai and Judaism, Christianity and The Greek Miracle all gathered out of the inspiration that a single God existed along with a certain thread to understanding the universe and human existence. Western civilization’s inspiration gave rise to The Rights of Englishmen that shrank the power of the oligarchs, the banning of polygamy in the 7th century, Magna Carta that further shrank aristocrat power, the end of European slavery in the 11th century, Martin Luther, who brought God beyond the elite to all the people, the British Civil Wars that toppled royal authority and founded the British Commonwealth in 1653, American independence in 1776 that formally declared all men equal for the first time those words were ever uttered in spite of the fly in the ointment where slavery temporarily still existed as a holdover from tribalism.
The advances in scientific understanding were every bit as breathtaking and the damn against human genius broke with the Industrial Age. The shift of human activity from the land to the city required huge improvements in working conditions and sanitation to offset the increased stress of industrial society and closer living. England banned labor for children under age nine in 1833 with the Factory Act, and in 1847 the Ten Hour Act restricted work hours for women and older children to ten hours. Edwin Chadwick’s 1852 “The Sanitary Condition of the Labouring Population of Great Britain” set the stage for more aggressive social welfare improvements. The next year London created the first Board of Health that was rapidly copied in other European capitals. And 1858 became known as the year of “The Big Stink”, when London sewage conditions became so awful that Parliament acted to establish a first-ever sewage system. Other European capitals quickly followed these measures that would lead to social welfare and civil engineering advances so effective that by 1963 the CDC report on infectious disease observed that all of these ancient scourges and plagues of infectious disease had disappeared from the earth not because of drugs and vaccines, but because of anti-poverty campaigns and better sanitation[k].
In spite of this blizzard of progress, the impatience of the Marxist school to eliminate poverty is commendable. However, the growth of human genius is the cure for relative poverty, not wealth distribution at the muzzle of a gun, and the pursuit of human genius is not possible without big pockets of money free of corruption. The only thing that can stop that corruption is the freedom for society to pursue the best ideas of genius that will stomp on the corrupt by bankrupting them, making their investments obsolete. When looked at in this manner—it is no wonder the American founders had the genius to arm the populace against the inevitable drift toward corruption among their betters. One chronic problem exists when the 99% trust the elite with the power to pick winners and losers: The elite can only win, can only stay ahead of the entropy and chaos for their investments by our genius, by killing our progress toward making their investments obsolete. Like the drug companies with brain-first healthcare. Human genius makes things obsolete every hour. Whoever made our genius what it is—God, Nature, Life or Existence—our genius is utterly unpredictable, it pops up anywhere at any time, from any direction, from anyone, and the odds are always that it will be on our side rather than the side of the One Percent. It is a jazz riff that comes at a rate of speed faster and faster that no one entity can possibly keep in front of except by the most economically free society that understands the uniqueness of this gift that rapaciously seeks human improvement. The elite must always try to censor our genius to protect their privilege. Take Einstein, Faraday, Lennon & McCartney, Brando, Tesla and Churchill. Are the next generation of geniuses their kids? No. Genius skipped away and blessed somebody else’s kid. What made America unique was the way leaders and government officials in our early times restrained themselves more than any others from picking winners and losers, as in the case of the debate between natural healing and industrial “scientific” medicine. American government said: “Don’t ask me to pick you as the winner—go sell yourself to the public!” This hands-off attitude lasted until the Progressive Era when well-meaning social forces ebbed into economic and class influences that led to the denouement of the 1909 Flexner Report on medical education that allowed elitist forces to industrialize American healthcare and all but stamp out any idea of naturalness. We remain frozen in time since then with the medical industrial complex using their incredible clout and social reach to keep healthcare artificial while also making any serious talk on the power of naturalness a laughingstock. At that critical point, well-meaning progressive ideas were co-opted by cut-throat professional guild and industrial interests that not only took down naturalness from healthcare practice, but more importantly from healthcare research, and peer-reviewed journal publication, and official government policy. With all but total control of public resources and public policy, those resources meant to study what was best for people went only into Column A that supported the artificialist industrial business model, and hid from public view Column B, the fascinating debate started in the 19th century on the naturalist side of health and thriving.
During that dramatic period of free thought, the giants in science said that the cause of disease was not germs and viruses, it was the loss of health. Health and our resistance to disease boiled down to what Claude Bernard called “Host Health,”[k] and that the stage for where disease tried to take control of our lives unfolded entirely in the mind and nervous system[k]. Two camps set up opposite each other, Column A and Column B: Column A was the artificialist school championed by academics and researchers with ties to industry that said the patient was a stationary target to germs and viruses, and that costly drugs, surgery and hospitals run by the elite were the only salvation. Column B research found exactly the opposite—this naturalist school of Host Health championed by academics and researchers with no ties to industry found that health and disease lay in the power of the individual managing a smarter lifestyle. The champions of Column A always had links to medical industrial money, that built an ever-expanding gallery of “top experts” and “fact-checkers” for Column A, keeping Column B out of the spotlight, out of the news. From 1900 to 2019, that chain of related players split amongst themselves a $105 trillion pot spent on healthcare. The colorful social and scientific pageantry between Column A and Column B was carried in the newspapers with some fidelity up until the 1920s when the big money became so big as to start winning out, and to start making anyone who disagreed with the AMA (and the elite) look unscientific. Ever since, “follow the science” leads always to Column A, the ideal industrial business model. The fingerprints of this can be seen everywhere in Covid. The age-old dynamic was being replayed—the sovereign individual of Western civilization versus the top-down suffocation from those with money that put them at the top of society and power, fighting a ruthless guerrilla war with house money against human genius. We were made into a society only of Column A by an emergent chemical Goliath and its Wall Street hangers on that moved out any idea about the sovereign individual and Column B even in America—the crown jewel of individualism, individualism’s last hope. The germ and virus were kings, not Health. Column B explained why, for example, if anyone’s daughter quit eating her fruits and vegetables that child would soon fall out of sustaining into disease such that there would be nothing all the universities, medical schools, hospitals, drug companies and surgical wizardry could do for her. The lack of one Benefit could wipe away all the king’s horses and all the king’s men of the medical empire as if they were toys. All Benefits have this power.
Regrettably, two crooked hucksters, Dr. George H. Simmons and Morris Fishbein, both former journalists, took possession of the AMA and the Journal of the American Medical Association respectively, in the era between 1890 and 1920, and turned them into a cash machine by selling the AMA brand to American business. Massive American business growth between the World Wars exploded the prestige and image of medicine that had also discovered two miracle drugs, insulin and penicillin, that could mask the symptoms of two diseases that previously only naturalism could help, and actually cure.“Scientific medicine” became a front for the drug companies operating with so much money and cunning that conscientious doctors and nurses barely saw what they were up to in corrupting our basic concepts on health. By the 1920s, the industrialists wielded so much influence that they could send their own people to shape doctor and nursing education into anything they wanted it to be, so that generations of doctors and nurses had no idea how any notion of naturalism was pushed aside by the artificialism that was the tent pole of American health. Unbeknownst to them, their education, and all the energy of their well-meaning, became perverted into them becoming salesman for that bottle of pills. The error was repeated with each graduating class, with doctors and nurses filling the ranks of medicine, research, education and public office with skeptics who believed in the dialectic of germs versus pills rather than stress versus benefit. In 1911, Campbell wrote a book on his lifetime study to incorporate the methods of chiropractors, osteopaths and manual medicine to cure all manner of disease. Prophetically, Campbell stated that the “fraternity of medical doctors” received no training in posture, spine, nervous system brain and natural cures, and that they were by their nature and education inclined to gadgetize medical practice and overcomplicate it, to look past simple, natural explanations for the sake of more involved answers with drugs. By growing a pharmacracy that always kept the seat of “cures” open for the next great drug—the drug companies always kept their first place status as number one earner in Washington. Medical doctors and nurses, people who work tirelessly in support roles raising funds for “healthcare” research, it is not their fault they have no concept of how they live inside a box built from a quaint notion about germs that was outmoded by 1880. The reader should ask themselves this question: “Who is in control of your health—you or the drug companies?” Then: “What percentage of control goes to each?” Without even knowing what is in Column B, we know what the answer is. Column B has forged ahead to humiliate Column A for its backward beliefs in chemical witchcraft, but we remain hijacked by Column A for its service to the elite no matter what it costs the rest of us. If drug companies have been a part of an elite that have, over a hundred plus years, put in place a social belief system wholly based on health coming from costly, artificial, technological, dangerous, stressful, outside means, and all “experts,” scholars, doctors, nurses and politicians are a product of that society—how long before this medievalism melts and society peeks at the Column B evidence that says Health comes only from a partnership of the sovereign individual with enlightened society? How long will any such society remain a hostage of the ideal business model for a select few? Our “See Problem-Take Drug” predicament is a product of designed social conditioning that Thomas Szazs calls “pharmacracy.”
These last two centuries have been a curious time for human beings. We developed so much power to discover, to control, to communicate, to raise money, to build, to influence, that it’s like a Frankenstein that is all the more unwieldy and dangerous if you create this Frankenstein before you’ve discovered your inner humanity that tells you how to use this power wisely. Our drift away from the populist meritocracy that once ruled America to a return of the elitist meritocracy has quickly remade America into a corporate-Fascist kleptocracy. This sudden relapse leaves us common folk with no certain idea even who runs the nation. This facelessness allows aristocrats to remain unidentifiable so that it is harder to isolate, hate and mock them the way they do their enemies. We are left to deduce that our aristocrats have relapsed into their classic pattern around the invisible Round Table of the super-rich and top-flight dirty corporations who either agree with the Left’s conceit, or fear it, and now see which side their bread is buttered on. Just a short while ago, America stuck by the Western meritocracy of innocent until proven guilty and raising human quality of life. But Marxist conceit only allows the elitist meritocracy—serve us or else, and, more dangerously, the self-obsession of Leftist tribalism convinces them that, if you are not actively serving them, you are Guilty, and they will track you down. In this scary environment, American business now serves in order to keep its doors open. The answer of control with elites is as it ever was: At the Round Table, everyone ranks in descending order of their balance sheet and personal connections. There is not even a thought given to the public welfare in direct proportion to how well-armed the elite are in comparison with how unarmed the public is. Number one are the drug companies, netting $4.01 trillion in fiscal 2019, fully one quarter of our $16 trillion GDP. $4.01 trillion is enough money to bend the arc of light. Whatever they want they get, that’s what the “science” says. The cut everyone else gets from drug company rent holding is too much to say no to. Vaccines, mask mandates, every bit of covid public health advice that goes in exactly the wrong direction from real health in order to sell more medical services by breeding less health—no problem. It is drug companies, after all, that in the 1960s started the culture of “revolvers” and “regulatory capture” that began to run Washington and spread so much money inside the Beltway that real “public service” became a thing of the past. Slowly, between Marxism and corporate wealth, the culture in Washington reached a swapping point between holistic public service and politically correct self-service. Eisenhower and Kennedy would have you shot for betraying the public trust. But now the new cast of characters will hurt you if you don’t betray the American people at their behest. The medical sector’s $4.01 trillion is enough to keep all of Washington, all of medicine, and research, and media, and hospital conglomerates in line so that everyone is kept fat and happy with their share of the profits built on hiding the truths about health. As a result, most Americans wander around in a state of Half Health, or less, with no idea about how much difference their brain could make, and where life is a crap shoot against the germs designed to make you healthier and tell you when your health is failing. At this point, the fear, greed and conceit of the elite in Washington gives no one the incentive to do the right thing, even in the media. This is the classic Achilles Heel of any elitist meritocracy. It is a stuck point that breeds toxicity until the pollution becomes so bad people see through it and insist on holistic change.
Instead of living in an enlightened society, we are sliding backwards to a situation so anti-human no one can stand to look it in the face. That $4.01 trillion, in a single fiscal year, and $105 trillion since 1900, is enough to buy everyone off, and keep the light of philosophical truth about the emancipation of the individual locked in the dungeon of the Count of Monte Cristo. Dr. Arthur Levine has observed that the drug companies have seized total control of medical and nursing practice by stringing together long lead-lines with all the top people in every field. Following the top people at universities, at some point drug companies offer them generous fees as “consultants” to help the medical sector make itself better. These relationships continue when these stars reach the pinnacles of their specialty and revolve into the top positions at the CDC and FDA, and elsewhere. Who can argue with credentials and with such devotion to better serve the public? These relationships are why the drug companies have settled on a $26 billion dollar sum for the millions of fentanyl deaths for which hardly a whistleblower made it through the gauntlet running from civil service through the media. There are thousands of people who need to go to jail at this point. Our aversion to the fact that we have been a willing participant in this fiasco is too much for us to admit, and so we go on letting our health be traumatized by this business sector because we are too nice to force the point. This booklet hopes to push people to insist on what is right by pointing out that we are all going there eventually anyway, and that what we want to demand flawlessly solves all of our problems as well. The poignant irony here is how this upside-down-world criminality has come about when we have enough science and history behind us to make this self-destructive malfeasance and corruption unthinkable, one would think. It seems we cannot bear to look at the foul predicament square on because it is the epitome of everything we shouldn’t be, that our leaders and science shouldn’t be, but still are, because of profiteering and elitist tribalism. The only people so far showing the guts to stare down this atrocity is the Left. Only they have enough skepticism of corporate America and Washington to demand, eventually, that the beasts responsible for this assault be held to account and force them out of the way. The Right, after covid, is too trusting, too optimistic, too compliant, too caught up in the mythology of drugs and surgery and the drug companies to have the same hair trigger as the Left. During Covid, the Left proved even more compliant with vaccine mandates than the Right, for now, because of revolutionary discipline and tribal loyalty. But the hair trigger of the Left is not going to be happy the more they see big pharma and corruptniks like the Clintons, Bidens and Soros’s on top crushing all dissent for the sake of the medical business model and the money thrown around DC to the upper class. Through all of this mayhem and crime, there is always one saving grace: However ruthless, depraved and conceited any elite are, everything built into the vitalist system of Life and Health is even more ruthless because it contains the true expression of all we can be together.
Our ethics and enlightenment appear to line up exactly as the logical constructs they are and must remain because human life is only perfect if they remain so, and every aspect of human life contains a moral component. Let us hastily say on this last word on the ethics that if the ethics and the parameters of Health can be tampered with then slave masters (any depraved One Percent) could manipulate quantum mechanics and scramble the brains of their slaves to make them happy with the injustice. As the system is now, our two life instincts make it impossible for there to be happy slaves. The human nose is exquisitely tuned to sniff out injustice. Enlightenment and healthy self-interest make it so that the elite must hide the facts of their injustice. In time, we will not tolerate it. This one little change in how health is earned would entirely botch the beauty in the system. And as Einstein remarked of his theory of relativity: “Look at it, it is so beautiful—how could it not be true?”

The last category of perfect wellbeing that makes human existence linear and predictable except for accident and the little bit of room for genetics is the body structure component of chiropractic mentioned earlier. After all, the red hot point of conflict between Left and Right is the either-or choice we must make between social welfare and the pursuit of genius. Both sides make a righteous point. Minus thriving, we cannot give our attention to helping the underprivileged and funding genius at the same time, and we never will be able to without the single snug harbor of thriving where all things are possible. But everything changes with chiropractic brain-first healthcare and brain-first social welfare. What chiropractic has found is that our own brain is one of our last great frontiers and that it appears to hold the neurological tipping point where stress going into the black box turns into disease, crime, mental illness, pain and political rebellion. After Selye, we know that anything besides nutrients, water, air and behaviors of enlightenment count as stress on the body, mind, spirit, and the antidotes are the quintessential opposites of the stresses. And stress is a challenge to the way we are supposed to be. The Column B research has proven beyond the shadow of a doubt stress causes the body to become dysfunctional [k], and that the first domino to fall is the nervous system, the Master System of the body, and that it’s most difficult task is movement, posture and alignment [k]. It is also known that this stress-induced dysfunction impairs the body’s ability to keep itself in perfect alignment like a musical instrument, with streamlined, efficient movement. Harrison has described how stress progressively makes the posture collapse into an old man stoop, and the feet collapse inward to destabilize the entire kinetic chain from toes to skull [k]. Harrison et al have also found that these postural defects in asymptomatic people cause a slowing down of brain and nervous system processing of 20% [k]. This means our brain and nervous system are operating out of phase with our environment, and are making inaccurate responses to what is going on inside us and around us. Our body’s perfect self-regulation becomes inefficient and inaccurate. Our body begins rotting from inside out. Our body is aware of this loss of perfection, and begins cycling through a larger and larger stress response like a bicyclist losing balance. Pain, more stress, stress responses, dysfunction, symptoms, fatigue, exhaustion, self-regulatory imprecision, disease and death are the inevitable result if the tide is not switched back to benefits fixing the problems. Meanwhile, we try to cover the rot with salves from Harvard that cost millions of dollars to develop, or we use surgeries to cut out the rot. But the only real cure comes from benefits, and wiping the stress from the brain, so that the body can catch its balance and reset perfection. The medical industrial sector has moved vast resources to keep this Column B research from upsetting its ideal business model that says the only cure for the rot comes from artifices only they can provide that will cost us a fortune. If we turn our backs on their Column A wizardry, they assure us, we are “ignoring the science,” insane, cultist and inhumane. Or children should be taken from us and we should be forced to take vaccines, the most stressful things on the planet other than surgery, and a gateway drug to needing many more drug products over our lifetimes. But everything the industrial sector has to offer is stressful, invasive and toxic. How can stress cure stress? How is Stress ever a Benefit? Except when we are cut in half and our life needs to be saved at which point Stress matters little. This is a stump the industrial sector cannot crawl over. Up to now, the medical industrial complex has deluded us with song and dance. But Column B passes the human sniff test. Column B changes everything. Chiropractic and the realization that the body’s engineering needs to be kept pristine changes everything. And recent developments in chiropractic to map out the perfect alignment of the human musical instrument, and to wipe clean stress build-up from the brain, and to actually restore that body frame alignment perfection—which has never been done before—are again changing everything. Completely without stress and completely without side-effect. It is perhaps the single most revealing idea of genius that has ever come along, able to bankrupt the buggy whip factory. And all of it is being hidden from view by force of massive amounts of cash.
When an inconvenience like chiropractic comes along any depraved elite must gird their loins for an exceptional guerrilla war to hide it. They do so with discredit. They must make the enemy look ridiculous and friendless so that no decent person will ever touch them, because the poor man’s wisdom is always despised. The AMA initially, and then the larger healthcare industrial sector that eventually pretty much neutered the AMA, has kept chiropractic locked down to stop the wildfire. The crusade has cost a fortune but it has prejudiced generations of scientists and researchers so that even those in brain and neurological research hardly know chiropractic even exists, let alone promises to upend the landscape. In the very name of science and public health, a campaign was waged that is as scurrilous as the most vicious ward politics fight. Again, this is hard to hear because the doctors and nurses we love are a part of this, but they are not. They were poisoned in the crib against brain-first healthcare, and most know as little about it as anyone. The evidence shows that care for our brain appears to stand equal to proper diet. Keeping the engineering flawless has to be an ongoing staple of our daily life starting at the youngest ages, carefully monitoring children’s posture growing in properly for full-scope prevention that has never been seen on earth before. Great chiropractic has to be everywhere for the model to work. Are you adjusted every day of the week? Three times per week? Are you keeping an eye on your precise spinal tuning and stress-junk in your brain after each serious jolt and stress? Fedorchuk shows radiological evidence [k] that grave alignment problems can begin in earliest youth. The problem we face is that pushing a drug-first society to a brain-first society is like shifting society from gas vehicles to electric without the chiropractic infrastructure yet. Not only are there not enough chiropractors, the world at large does not even realize that brain-first healthcare and precise body engineering are even a thing, let alone a basic part of scientifically validated salvation. Prospects look even more gloomy considering that the dominant paradigm will turn every inch of healthcare into Iwo Jima. To make matters that much worse, the medical sector fits human laziness like a glove; not everyone wants the tough-to-get-used-to self-responsibility of the Truth. They do not understand that that step up is like riding a bicycle; it’s easy and makes perfect sense once you get up and running. The obese person who loses 600 lbs and looks back at their former self cannot believe they once lived and believed as they did. It is easier to take a pill. . . . But all of this does not matter. In time, when the “solutions” from selfish elites fail to get people past sustaining, they will insist on pushing past the blockage in results to seek relief from all the horror and pain that comes from the dark side of Life. They will keep searching until they stumble upon the only avenue instinct, common sense and evidence will ever find is available to us in the universal commonality of who we are.
No discussion of endgame political enlightenment is complete without the input from the brain-first revolution in chiropractic. The righteous insistence from Left and Right cannot be met otherwise. Any pure Benefit worthy of the name not only has to be good for us at any dose, and show no tendency to hurt us at higher doses, but it also logically would prove safer than most anything, and it would show the property of being a cure-all. Chiropractic looks in the preliminary research like it will fit this bill. The safest specialties in medicine, pediatrics and dentistry, both require malpractice insurance costing around $15,000 per year. Chiropractic looks to be about 15x safer since it’s malpractice costs are under $1,000 per year, and who would know who is safe and who is not safe more than insurance actuaries? Strangely, this is the line mainstream medicine will give about chiropractic safety. The most dangerous feature about chiropractic looks like strokes suffered by an infinitesimal percentage of people who try chiropractic. But even here, the “danger” of a stroke is not the result of anything about chiropractic, it is related to a hidden defect in the patient’s vertebral artery that could open up when they lay their head back even in a hair salon sink. As a result of these defects, it appears there may be 26 deaths related to chiropractic care since 1895. For this, industrial medicine says chiropractic is too unsafe to even try. Compare this with the 180,000 strokes per year caused among young women by birth control pills alone. The preliminary research on chiropractic shows that it has been shown effective in treating every condition it has been tried on except IQ. Again, this only underscores the power of our own brain.
A single chiropractic adjustment changes the fMRI brain images in the before and after figures of A and B in just twenty minutes. A single chiropractic procedure of seven minutes duration opens blood flow at the brain base by 200 to 400% as shown in the before and after figures C and D. [Three surveys of the medical literature report that the primary risk factor in dementia and Alzheimer’s is reduced brain blood flow.] A study published in Nature on a Chiropractic Biophysics procedure shows a reduction in neck misalignment related to a 20% increase in nerve conduction velocity. A single chiropractic adjustment lowers blood pressure by 17 points, as much as a patient on five hypertension medications, a study by Dickholtz and Bikram found that drew international attention. Eighty-one patients with Parkinson’s and MS showed remarkable results using upper cervical chiropractic care, including “complete resolution” of nearly half of the cases[k]. Numerous other smaller studies of these diseases show similar results. Preliminary research on Diabetes Type 1 patients shows a single adjustment lowering blood sugar by 75 points, lasting four days; a second adjustment lowering glucose by 75 points for three to four weeks[k]. A study by Haavik of a single adjustment on chronic stroke patients showed a 65% increase in muscle strength[k]. One study measuring brain waves by Alva Byers shows a single chiropractic adjustment improving brain wave patterning as much as 50 to 200x sessions of meditation and biofeedback[k]. A press release by the International Chiropractic Association covers a wide range of studies and reports on chiropractic boosting immunity[k]: A single chiropractic adjustment has been shown to elevate T-cells by 27% within two hours, while six months of upper cervical chiropractic has been shown to raise T-cell counts by 48% in subjects with full blown AIDS, as compared to 8% drops in T-cells for controls. Chiropractic care on a man with hepatocellular carcinoma, one of the three most deadly cancers, for which the only treatment is a liver transplant, after the man was denied care by his HMO because of his history of hepatitis, was cured not once, but twice[k]. A fair criticism of chiropractic is that there is so little research. While this is a fair point, it must also be admitted that chiropractic has never faced a level playing field. Chiropractic is cut off from significant research funding, and pays for all of its own research out of pocket, as medicine only did in its infancy nearly two centuries ago. Since then, “medical” research has been made synonymous with humanitarianism, and is popularly accepted as the only option for salvation. The evidence in part from the nine-year AMA et al anti-trust suit shows that the medical industrial sector has known about chiropractic from its infancy, so that the excuse is false that people in the know were “too busy” to pay attention to the growing wave of brain-first care, and its potential in both health and social welfare. A Dr. Hendryson, an Army surgeon in 1942, observed chiropractic curing soldiers with spine and body pain twice as fast as all conventional means. Hendryson, himself an AMA Board member, insisted the AMA get behind the war effort to deploy chiropractors to every Army hospital for the duration. The AMA was so afraid of chiropractic changing the game that it did not breathe even a syllable in support of helping tip the scales in this the world’s darkest hour.
Chiropractic also shows remarkable potential in the most costly sector of cases where conventional care is least effective, cases that are bankrupting every national healthcare system, whether socialized or privatized. These are the advanced arthritis cases called High Resource Patients (HRP). This condition is the “bottomless pit.” In a 2011 study by Pritchard in the Journal of Managed Care & Specialty Pharmacy, HRP consume $43,104 worth of care per patient versus $3,955 per patient for the all other conditions. HRP are typically 15x more costly than other conditions. Chronic low back and neck pain are the most common types of HRP. National back surgery figures show that, of back surgery patients, results are so poor that 46% go in for a second surgery, and of these 62% go in for a third round of surgery [k]. These dismal results are typical of HRP. Ireland’s Central Statistics Office reports Ireland spends more on back pain than on cancer and diabetes combined. The Health Board of Ireland findings are echoed in the New Zealand Report, the Oregon Worker Compensation Report, and other international bodies studying HRP. In the United States, spending in 2015 for back pain alone equaled worldwide spending for cancer, according to a May 2015 Wall Street Journal article.
Body pain HRP is such a serious condition that no other discipline besides chiropractic has shown a consistent and effective method for treatment. AV Med HMO of Florida used ordinary chiropractic rather than the latest CBP techniques, but found with 25 HRP patients scheduled for low back surgery chiropractic resolved 24 of 25 cases so that surgery was unnecessary. Taking into account the crushing burden of HRP, it is noteworthy how the AV Med HMO study showed that even ordinary chiropractic care only “failed” in one of 25 HRP cases. The HMO credited chiropractic with savings of $250,000, given how each back surgery cost $25,000 in 1986 dollars. This is chiropractic showing a 96% success rate with by far the most ruinous problem the healthcare system faces, even without the CBP adjunct that might have picked up the stray failure. Another AV Med HMO study showed ordinary chiropractic used to replace medical care lowered all hospital admissions by 60%, hospital stays by 40%, doctor visits by 40%, and drug use by 85%. In an early 2000s study comparing pain relief by chiropractic or the NSAIDS Celebrex and Vioxx, chiropractic proved to be 6x more effective[k]. Meanwhile, government figures show 80% of heroine addicts started with OxyContin and fentanyl, the “miracle” replacements of NSAIDS, that are 50x more addictive than heroin, with people becoming addicted only after four days on the drug. The use of chiropractic in substance abuse treatment leads to a 100% completion rate in treatment, while the average completion rate is 37%.
Meanwhile, the CBP Chiropractic Biophysics literature shows it is a step beyond ordinary chiropractic that is picking up the few cases where ordinary chiropractic previously failed. With seven non-randomized trials, 12 randomized trials, and 84 published case studies, the level of evidence already far exceeds what all drugs and surgical procedures are supported by before approval into the mainstream. The work of Harrison publishing the first-ever model of human posture between 1996 and 2002 in Spine, and with significant steps in large improvements in posture and alignment, chiropractic’s results in improved health, disease recovery, and immune boosting are even more consistent. Case studies showing the complete resolution of Tourette’s Syndrome, two case studies of complete resorption of Sryngomyelia spinal cord tumors, and the only case in the medical literature showing corrected spinal re-alignment by non-surgical means, a corrected spondylolisthesis case reduced by 13mm, case series in epilepsy, depression, bed wetting, pediatrics, Parkinson’s, MS, diabetes. This booklet is aimed at both the research community and the public to inform both that the early data suggests that a most peculiar hypocrisy has been committed against all of us in the case of the brain revolution.
It is already shown that any joint even minimally out of place invokes Wolff’s Law [k] and the Heutur-Volkmann Law [k] to degenerate any joint two to three times faster than normal aging. This accelerated death of the joint has also been shown to then carry forward along nerve and arterial lines to prematurely age and sclerose target organs and tissues, even the brain. By as early as 1921, Winslow [k] noted how the chiropractic rationale was proven by 50 autopsies to correlate with disease and cause of death 100%. The kink in the spine is a hole in our spaceman suit. The kink in the posture is a ray gun that shoots death at whatever lies downstream. In 1935, a South Dakota judge, A.W. Ponath, created a pamphlet for his state legislature, medical board and psychiatric board, imploring they look at the evidence and set aside chiropractic-dedicated mental hospitals where DCs could work under their own auspices, free of medical interference. Judge Ponath believed this would give relief to countless lives tortured by mental illness, including criminals. His pamphlet, “Facts, What Chiropractic Has Done for Insanity,” reports on the long list of cures in chiropractic mental sanitariums. He includes seven “hopeless cases” hand-picked by South Dakota’s own state mental asylum system that were referred to Fair Oaks Chiropractic Sanitarium in Iowa, which were effortlessly cured within one to three months just like “intractable” HRP cases. Included also were another over 70 completely cured mental asylum cases with a brief paragraph describing each patient and the resolution of their case, detailing their return to normal life. Each of the 70 cases is a marvel, each one a life taken from ruin and put back on the shelf of being whole, a glimpse of real hope for an integrated future that both the Left and Right believe in.
The unseen, unknown, intentionally misunderstood puzzle of chiropractic also lips over into the mystery of our missing lifespan. One team headed by Jan Vijg looked at statistical data and said natural factors top human life off at around 115. One study of cadavers found that the longest-lived people always had the best posture and the least amount of spinal damage[k], which seconds what Winslow found in his cadaver studies. But three different studies have looked at two different factors, mitochondria and cell replication in the first, and the human genome in the two others. All three of these studies put human lifespan at 140 to 150 years, which means we are only halfway home. All of us are aging two to three times faster than we should, which, again, corresponds with what Winslow found in his careful autopsies of spinal failure and the hidden electrical fires these lesions unleash into our insides. In each of these three studies, the research teams commented that they were completely baffled about what could be the missing ingredient that is scorching us and making us age so much faster than we are designed to.
Whatever made us is not trying to keep the answers to a better life secret. The answers are simple, they are cheaper and safer than any alternative, they actually cure without a single side-effect, and the entire universe of data line up with instinct, common sense and logic to point a bright neon flashing arrow at the endgame. Only our stupidity, our herd animal social habits, and our tendency to place far too much trust in our institutions stands in the way of realization. Pain, surgery, surgical failure, crime, complications, national budgets, the misery index, on and on, the evidence piles up directly and indirectly suggesting that the hidden war against the brain-first reboot is a problem. It is as if some very smart people knew that all of this holistic scientific evidence hung by the single thread of the chiropractic field and the brain. In a nation of 340 million, there are only 70,000 chiropractors who fully grasped the brain-first element, and were a single spot of light hinting at the future. But chiropractic was not just a bridge too far, it was two bridges too far—it might even be three bridges too far for society to grasp today. And even chiropractic is hanging by a thread because chiropractors are working inside chiropractic to weaken it and keep it either hidden, or divided against itself, in keeping with the identical strategy the AMA et al had starting in the 1950s after the Fishbein debacle. Chiropractic’s own war against non-believers is understandable considering how so many people entering the field grew up in Column A culture. As such, chiropractic is cut in half between those who “get” that chiropractic is the final resolution of the human mystery, and those who “get” that chiropractic is the clear winner in the conquest of HRP. The early day firebrands that raved about chiropractic results were able to grab public attention before modern medicine looked like NASA, with all of that goodwill and credibility. But more chiropractic outposts every day flipped to the dark side, to the See Problem-Take Drug point of view. By the 1970s, it is reported that the drug companies heard from their consultants that the best path to secure future market share was to raise the vaccine schedule, because the immunological damage and chronic inflammation caused by vaccines would create enough health problems that this strategy alone would make more medical customers over the rest of their lives. They had also learned that people are either habituated into being drug takers or not by age 21, and so, with vaccines making problems in childhood and adolescence, well-meaning parents would be forced to put their kids on meds and do the rest to turn out faithful drug buying automatons by the tens of millions. Since the 1960s, the medical industrial sector has spent lavishly inside the Beltway to acquire the research and government assets to completely control what American healthcare looks like. This aggressive acquisition led to the coining of special terms, such as “revolvers” and “regulatory capture” to describe the depth of the problem. Revolvers are the choice experts big pharma has under its wing with lucrative “consultancy agreements” that cycle back and forth between private and public sectors in a buddy system that has locked down American health. Regulatory capture refers to how they squeeze out any attempts to unstick the system. The AMA and seven other co-defendants even lost a spectacular anti-trust and anti-fair trade lawsuit for decades of skullduggery against chiropractic with tactics such as killing the medical and nursing school accreditation for any university that “legitimized” chiropractic by opening a chiropractic school. The AMA pushed in all chips to keep chiropractic “illegitimate.” The AMA lawsuit exposed that one of their most effective tools was internationally syndicated advise columnist Anne Landers, who was the sister-in-law of an AMA board member, who provided the beloved doyen for decades with the worst of uncut AMA anti-chiropractic propaganda. Morris Fishbein used the weight of the AMA to influence Hollywood, radio and television as well from 1920 to 1950. From 1900 to 1986, in over 36,000 films and countless more TV and radio shows, chiropractic, the nation’s second largest healing art, was mentioned in only one movie, Come Back, Little Sheba, about an alcoholic MD wanna-be chiropractor that shamed the profession. Literary giants like H.L. Mencken laughed at the profession. No one dared credit it. Fishbein is said to have bragged that the success of his career-long vendetta to wipe out chiropractic came to fruition with Come Back, Little Sheba.
Today, chiropractic is bewildered by the head-scratching antics of the majority of its own associations and institutions. It is the only profession where its leaders push legislators and insurance companies to shrink its foot print and status, and relinquish privileges and reimbursements. Numerous chiropractic interests are working hand in glove with insurance carriers to stop chiropractors from taking x-rays—in a field based on seeing postures and fixing them, and documenting the correlation to the entire human condition. What would happen to this work if this were to occur? Chiropractic associations have done things such as show up two hours early to a meeting with the Defense Department to expand soldier and veteran chiropractic access, and “worked out” an agreement where soldiers and veterans would receive far less access to chiropractic care. Similar help has come for government insurance plans where allotted physical therapy visits number 75, while chiropractic visits are limited to 12. To the outside observer this head-scratching behavior to shoot a profession in its own foot might look like the medical “regulatory capture” that is only supposed to happen to an entire state or federal government agency with possibly tens of thousands of employees, not the associations of a competing health profession, with staffs numbering in the handfuls. Of course this could never happen, because a sovereign profession would never imagine that its competition could be so thoroughgoing. But it would be a coup for the record books if it ever did occur. And again, the chiropractic field has been so divided historically that this situation has been able to occur—which has also delayed the realization about brain-first healthcare and brain-first social welfare.
Our progress is like an expedition at Pompeii with a flashlight and a pick chipping through the walls of a palace, where each room is more wondrous than the room before. Each chamber tells us more about our life together. At each chamber we think there could be nothing more of interest, and so we do not test the next wall. We are now in the second to last chamber and we think this is it, these are the cards we’ve been dealt, nothing really makes sense, only God knows the answers. But we start to suspect maybe there’s another chamber, but as said in Ecclesiastes, “the wisdom of the poor man is despised.” The poor man has glimpsed the splendor of brain-first healthcare and brain-first social welfare on the other side, but no one will do anything but spit. No one will hear of the glory in wait four inches between our ears. The mightiest enemy of all—an enemy of enormity built on the backs of our very own fear—guards the wall. Jeffries’s epic poem could not be more epic.
Our genius for chemistry and engineering is a gift to pursue what lies materially outside of ourselves. The poor man observes that thriving is a practice of always of reducing to essentials. The inner genius of our health needs no help, only to be uninterfered with. Balzac said, Nature heals while the physician amuses the patient. In the eyes of the poor man with spit on his face rests the end of the Left-Right war.